Statement by Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing on Governor Whitmer Signing the Reproductive Health Act

“This is a dark day in Michigan as the Governor recklessly signs into law a package of bills that present an immediate danger to the health and safety of women and children, including the unborn, in our state. Removing basic health and safety standards for abortion clinics, standards that have the support of 95% of Michigan voters, is an afront to the very women our Governor claims to represent. The shocking elimination of the ban on partial-birth abortion demonstrates what many voters have hesitated to accept – proabortion Democrats will accept no limit on abortion, not even at the time of birth.

There is a silver lining. The steadfast leadership of our prolife legislators joined by a common-sense colleague led to keeping in place informed consent, including the 24-hour waiting period, and the barrier against using taxpayer dollars for abortion.

Now we must put our sights on defending parental rights by retaining parental consent for abortion. Abortion providers and advocacy organizations have openly threatened removal of this important protection. More concerning, we have heard this intention echoed in the halls of our state legislature.

In the days ahead, may we join together to support and defend life, the other choice.”

For more information:

Genevieve Marnon, Legislative Director, (989) 277-7933,